
Cain the first vampire

The classical world of darkness point out the first and most powerful of the mythos is “the one cast out by God himself for killing his brother Abel, he is none other than Cain, the brother of Abel.   The story was well writing over ages ago from the biblical reference in Genesis 4:4-26 From verse 11-12 “ and now be thou cursed from the ground, which hath opened its mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand.  When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield thee its strength; a wanderer and fugitive shalt thou be on the earth. Verse 15-16” ……. And Jehovah set a mark on Cain, lest any finding him should smite him.  And Cain went out from the presence of Jehovah and dwelt in the land of Nod towards the east of Eden” 

Judas Iscariot The father of vampires

There are various legends about who was the father of all vampires but I wander, who is the actual father of all vampires. In this stories, Judas Iscariot, Vlad Impaler   Dracula, Cain   are all said to be the true fathers of vampirism, therefore it is important to go back in time find out what makes these icons of bad behaviours ( or thus far, as history has point them out to be) the fathers of the most pronounced class of “night walkers”.   We shall now focus on the apostle known as Judas Iscariot. The Holy Bible narrates the story of one of the apostle of Christ who betrayed him and sold him out for 30 pieces of silver, you can find the story in 

5 best ways to become a vampire

There are people all over the world that their very wish is to become a vampire because been a vampire may seems cool just like the way it is portrayed in Seasonal Movies like the vampire Dairies that have sold millions all over the world. Some writers have portrayed vampires as way cooler, sexier and beings with mysterious powers ( Anne Rice  Interview with Vampire ) but are vampires like that? There are various ways for a human to become a vampire, but what are the ways that seems more effective? That is what we are here to find out, the effective way to become a vampire, these are the simple ways to become a vampire, though they may appear simple but they are not.


Ages ago and even now in this generation people all over the world talk about vampires, the question is who/what is a vampire?. Big Cinemas have giving us various descriptions about what/who a vampire is, or maybe should look like! But is that actually who or what a vampire is? That’s what we are here to find out.